Export / Import Consultancy
For the convenience of our valued and regular customers, we undertake the following types of liaison/consultancy jobs.
Arranging Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Advance Authorization / DEPB Scrips from concerned DGFT / JDGFT offices. Consultancy for Appeal against Custom Adjudication/order before the Appellate Authorities.
Getting Brand Rate of Duty Drawback fixed Handling Duty Drawback cases at Customs u/s 74 and 75 of Custom Act, 1962.
- Documentation
- Carting / Receiving Goods
- Examination of Shipments
- Registration of the contract with customs for project clearance
- Clearance of the import cargo at the port of entry
- Port handling
- Reconciliation of the contract after completion of the import
- Port handling and arranging bonded warehouse as and when required by the client
- Providing suggestions to the customer on documentation of purchase orders, contract, invoices and packing lists to make the document compatible with the Indian customs for appropriate classification in customs for easy clearance
- Suggestion for effective packing for economic handling and safety
- Handling of stuffing & de-stuffing at Ports, ICD’s and Customers warehouse